White Tea Perfection: Orientaleaf’s Selections

White tea, with its delicate tastes and refined aromas, holds a distinct location in the globe of tea. Among the most revered kinds of white tea are Shou Mei, Fuding White Tea, Aged White Tea, White Peony, Gong Mei, and White Hair Silver Needle.

Shou Mei, often referred to as the "old guy's brow," is a robust white tea with a character that attracts attention. This tea, named for its uniquely designed fallen leaves that resemble the eyebrows of a senior male, is harvested later on in the period, resulting in a fuller, much more obvious taste. Shou Mei has a somewhat oxidized account, providing it a richer body contrasted to various other white teas. It boasts a blend of fruity and floral notes, commonly with hints of honey and a subtle earthiness. This complexity makes Shou Mei a superb choice for those who value an even more durable tea that still keeps the mild features of white tea.

Fuding White Tea hails from the Fuding area in China's Fujian province, an area renowned for creating some of the finest white teas in the world. The immaculate atmosphere of Fuding, with its misty mountains and abundant soil, produces the ideal conditions for growing white tea. Fuding White Tea is treasured for its fresh, delicate flavor and comforting scent. The leaves, tweezed throughout the early spring, are minimally processed, enabling the natural sweetness and flower undertones to beam through. This tea is a testimony to the creativity and custom of white tea production in Fuding, using an absolutely genuine experience for tea fans.

A lot like fine wine, white tea can be aged to create much deeper, a lot more complicated flavors. Aged White Tea often shows notes of dried out fruit, honey, and a subtle hint of earthiness, making it a delightful selection for those that appreciate the nuanced flavors that come with aging.

White Peony, known as Bai Mu Dan in Chinese, is another precious range of white tea. This tea is aged white tea made from both the buds and leaves of the tea plant, causing a somewhat fuller taste compared to Silver Needle but still keeping the fragile high qualities of white tea. White Peony is celebrated for its flower and fruity scent, with notes of peony flowers and a tip of fresh hay. The mixture is usually a pale gold shade, and the taste is both refreshing and comforting, making it a functional tea that can be taken pleasure in at any time of the day. The balance of tastes in White Peony makes it a preferred amongst white tea lovers and beginners alike.

Gong Mei, or Tribute Eyebrow, is another range of white tea that uses a special taste account. It is typically collected slightly later in the period than White Peony, resulting in a tea that has a more robust and somewhat more oxidized personality. Gong Mei has a distinctive preference with a blend of floral and woody notes, and a sweetness that lingers on the palate. This tea is known for its price without jeopardizing on high quality, making it an exceptional selection for those seeking to check out the world of white tea without breaking the financial institution. At Orientaleaf, we guarantee that our Gong Mei tea is sourced from reliable ranches, offering an item that is both authentic and scrumptious.

White Hair Silver Needle, also referred to as Bai Hao Yin Zhen, is maybe one of the most well-known and very prized white tea. Made solely from the young, unopened buds of the tea plant, Silver Needle is renowned for its exquisite taste and delicate appearance. The buds are covered in great silvery hairs, giving the tea its name and a special visual charm. Silver Needle is treasured for its light, sweet taste with subtle notes of melon and a lingering floral aftertaste. The mixture is generally a really pale, nearly anemic liquor, which conceals the deepness of flavor consisted of within each sip. This tea is the epitome of beauty and sophistication, often reserved for special events or moments of silent contemplation.

Whether you are an experienced tea lover or simply starting your trip into the world of white tea, our choice uses something for every person. Discover the delicate tastes of Shou Mei, the immaculate preference of Fuding White Tea, the aged complexity of Aged White Tea, the floral beauty of White Peony, the robust personality of Gong Mei, and the unmatched improvement of White Hair Silver Needle.

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